Facts About Laser Hair Removal Every Woman Should Know
Posted on:
30 January 2015
If you are like many women, you pluck, wax, tweeze or shave away unwanted face or body hair on a regular basis. Unfortunately, you may do so hidden behind a locked bathroom door; so that nobody will ever learn your secret. However, laser hair removal is an option that can help you become hair free for months or weeks at a time, while some women have experienced permanent hair loss after several treatments.
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Some Signs Of Skin Cancer That You Should Look For
Posted on:
28 January 2015
Skin cancer is very serious and more common than you think. In fact, roughly 3.5 million cases of skin cancer are diagnosed in the United States every year. This is why it is so important that you learn the early warning signs of skin cancer so that you can see a doctor and begin treatment right away. In some cases you will need cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, and in other cases you might need surgery.
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Reasons It's Time To Switch To Contacts
Posted on:
26 January 2015
Contact lenses have come a long way since they were first developed. Now made from more permeable materials, they are much more comfortable to wear, and much better able to stay in place. While hard lenses have pretty much gone out of fashion, soft lenses have continued to be popular. Here are three reasons it's time for you to switch to contacts.
Give Yourself Better Vision Correction
Contact lenses fit closer to the eye than glasses, so they provide a much more natural vision correction.
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The Correlation Between Sleep Deprivation And Heart Disease
Posted on:
20 January 2015
If you are not getting enough sleep, it is probably not because you don't want to. It may be due to a sleep disorder that is preventing you from falling asleep or staying asleep. A lack of proper sleep can lead to so many different health problems; one of these is heart disease. If you cannot get the right amount of sleep, you should seek professional help soon.
Why Is Sleep Important?
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