Breast Reconstruction After Cancer
Posted on:
4 October 2017
When a woman finds out she indeed has breast cancer, she is naturally worried and overwhelmed. There's no doubt about it, this will be a life-changing event. Information overload can occur as your health care treatment team discusses all the options available to you. In women who require a mastectomy, there are even more decisions to make when it comes time for breast reconstruction. While not every woman opts to have reconstructive surgery, many do, especially younger women.
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Tips For Choosing Your First Medicinal Cannabis
Posted on:
13 September 2017
Medical cannabis is extremely helpful when it comes to treating certain types of illnesses and reducing pain in individuals who have chronic discomfort issues. If you have recently asked your doctor about using it and have not yet taken the plunge, then there are a few things that can help you with taking the cannabis for the first time:
Pick Your Strain Carefully
One of the first things you will need to do when purchasing your cannabis is to choose the strain that you desire carefully.
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What You Can Do To Keep Your Brain Healthy
Posted on:
14 August 2017
Your brain is involved in nearly every bodily function that you have. Whether it's the ability to take that morning run, drive to work or even conjure up the face of a long lost friend, you can thank your brain for playing its role in making these things happen. Because it's so important for you to keep your brain in good condition, you might be wondering what you can do to maintain a healthy brain.
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Things To Ask Your Parents About Before Your First Chiropractic Assessment
Posted on:
27 July 2017
When you attend your first assessment with a chiropractor because you're suffering from back pain, he or she will commonly ask you a number of questions about your health history. Generally, you'll be able to answer the majority of them yourself. For example, this back health experience will want to know if you've ever been in a car accident or had another serious incident that could be a root cause of your back pain.
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