Common Concerns About Spinal Fusion

Posted on: 23 March 2015

Back surgery is often an intimidating idea. The spine is complicated, and problems there can have effects throughout the entire body. If you are considering spinal fusion, you may have some concerns about this futuristic-sounding procedure. While you should definitely discuss any questions you have with a professional, like Highlands Neurosurgery, P.C.​, knowing more about the procedure can help you formulate the right questions and feel more secure about the procedure. What exactly is spinal fusion?
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Guidelines For Using Eye Drops: Important Information For Glaucoma Patients

Posted on: 6 March 2015

Glaucoma is an eye disease that affects the optical nerve and the peripheral vision. However, if you faithfully apply your prescription eye drops, you can usually be in control of the problem. Unfortunately, just 64 percent of glaucoma patients consistently take their eye drops. What's more, only 10 percent of people with glaucoma remember to take their drops. If you have glaucoma, here are some guidelines for correctly applying your eye drops and remembering to take them.
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Hemp Oil Benefits: 4 Reasons Why Hemp Is A Natural Oil You Should Try

Posted on: 25 February 2015

Hemp oil, which comes from all plant types of the Cannabis genus, has several medical benefits. The hemp oil that is used most often and can be purchased is made with industrial hemp; this hemp has low amounts of the psychoactive substances normally found in the plants. Since there is nearly no THC in the oil, there's no risk of psychoactive properties affecting you.  Because hemp oil doesn't have psychoactive properties, it can be used for many other purposes.
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2 Ways Palliative Care Can Help You During Your Fight With Cancer

Posted on: 13 February 2015

If you over 40 years old and are diagnosed with breast cancer, you have an 85% chance of beating it and surviving for at least another five years. Life is so uncertain, no matter if you are healthy or suffering from a major disease, and because of this, you may want to look into palliative care. This is a service that can help you find fulfillment and enjoyment in life during your battle with cancer, and it can greatly improve your quality of life, whether you have a week to live or 20 more years.
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