Using A Breast Pump: Dos And Don'ts For First-Timers

Posted on: 8 March 2016

Many nursing women--especially working professionals--use breast pumps to express and store milk ahead of time so that their babies can have the milk they need and when they need it. However, for new nursing mothers, breast pumps can be quite confusing and intimidating. By being aware of some important breast pumping tips and guidelines, however, nursing moms can pump with confidence. DO Select the Right Pump It all starts with choosing the right pump.
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Older And Wiser: 3 Vision Problems Associated With Age

Posted on: 19 February 2016

If you're over 50 years old, you may have begun to notice changes to your vision. Some of those changes may be minor, such as needing additional light when reading, or seeing additional glare from headlights while you're driving. While those vision changes can be bothersome, there are some more serious changes that can affect your vision as you age. Here are three age-related vision problems you should be aware of.
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Tips To Help A Child With Dyslexia Build His Or Her Reading Skills

Posted on: 10 February 2016

If you are a parent of a child with dyslexia, chances are good that you have noticed that your child struggles with reading. This could be frustrating and scary for you because you want to be sure that your child has as many chances for success as possible, but you might not know how to help your child through his or her dyslexia. Here are some tips for helping your child with dyslexia build his or her reading skills.
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Deciding if a Virtual Colonoscopy Is Right for You

Posted on: 2 February 2016

As you approach the age of 50 and begin to think about your health and well-being, you may find yourself considering the prospect of getting your first colonoscopy. While many people assume that all colonoscopies are the same, this is not necessarily the case. Many physicians do still opt to use the optical (or standard) colonoscopy. However, virtual colonoscopies are also an option for the same colon cancer screening exam you need at age 50.
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