
  • Reasons It's Time To Switch To Contacts

    Contact lenses have come a long way since they were first developed. Now made from more permeable materials, they are much more comfortable to wear, and much better able to stay in place. While hard lenses have pretty much gone out of fashion, soft lenses have continued to be popular. Here are three reasons it's time for you to switch to contacts. Give Yourself Better Vision Correction Contact lenses fit closer to the eye than glasses, so they provide a much more natural vision correction.
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  • The Correlation Between Sleep Deprivation And Heart Disease

    If you are not getting enough sleep, it is probably not because you don't want to. It may be due to a sleep disorder that is preventing you from falling asleep or staying asleep. A lack of proper sleep can lead to so many different health problems; one of these is heart disease. If you cannot get the right amount of sleep, you should seek professional help soon. Why Is Sleep Important?
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  • Understanding Reiki Massage: The Laying On Of Hands

    If you love getting a massage, you have probably heard all about the various types available. Even though you may have heard the names, you may not know exactly what they are. Reiki is a type of massage hailing from Japan, which uses the hands to engage with a type of energy called "life force energy." This guide explains what this energy is, what your treatment consists of and what ailments Reiki is good for.
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  • Sport Supplements And Your Kids: What You Should Know

    When your son or daughter is a dedicated and determined athlete, they will try to do anything to perfect and enhance their athletic performance and endurance. As such, they may approach you about taking sport supplements to assist them in their training regimen. Being a concerned and involved parent, you may feel apprehensive about allowing your child to ingest these substances. Even further, your child may have already purchased their own sport supplements online to jump start their training season.
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  • 5 Habits That Can Lead To Back Pain

    Whether it is on your lower or upper back, back pain can be unbearable. If the pain is severe enough, it can be difficult to get out of bed some days. Even if you are healthy, you could still do things that hurt your back. Here are five habits that can lead to back pain. Having Bad Posture If you sit at a desk all day for your job, it is very important to practice good posture.
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  • How Exposure To Silver Can Turn Your Skin Blue

    Silver is a useful product found in a variety of consumer products such as kitchen bacterial sprays and bandages. However, overexposure to silver can lead to serious health condition such as argyria. The condition is characterized by gray, blue or dark tans on the skin and other mucous membranes. It usually occurs, if you have been ingesting silver for a long time, through four main stages: Corrosion of Silver Since the stomach environment is acidic, it accelerates the corrosion of silver metal particles.
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  • Practical Tips For Breast Augmentation Preparation And Recovery

    You are scheduled for breast augmentation surgery. Chances are you have information from your doctor about getting ready for surgery, as well as some instructions for afterwards. This means that you already know basic things, such as needing someone to drive you home from surgery or what to do if you develop a fever post-procedure. But it's also good to know some practical tips for the days leading up to surgery, as well as some handy hints for your recovery time.
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  • Tips For Dealing With The Pain Of Planter Fasciitis

    If you suffer from planter fasciitis, then you know how painful it can be. Planter fasciitis is caused by too much tension to your planter fascia, the shock-absorbing part that supports your arches in your feet. When tension becomes too great, small tears can occur. The result is a burning and stinging pain that ranges from mild to severe. The advice below will help you learn how to relieve some of that pain.
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  • 5 Things To Avoid When Cleaning Your Hearing Aid

    To enjoy the most out of your hearing aid and to ensure that it lasts for as long as possible, it's important to keep it nice and clean. Unfortunately, there are ways that you can mess up your hearing aid from a place like Cape May County Hearing Aid Dispensary when you are cleaning it. Remember these things to avoid when you're caring for your hearing device, and you can help ensure that it lasts for as long as possible.
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  • Two Pregnancy Tips To Help Keep Your Healthy

    Pregnancy is one of the most emotionally and physically stressful times in a woman's life. In addition to experiencing dramatic body changes, it is necessary to follow a seemingly endless list of diet recommendations. Unfortunately, this much attention on diet can cause some women to overlook a couple of important tasks that need to be done to help ensure you have a healthy and trouble free pregnancy. Test For Immunity To Chickenpox
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