Practical Tips For Breast Augmentation Preparation And Recovery
Posted on: 6 January 2015
You are scheduled for breast augmentation surgery. Chances are you have information from your doctor about getting ready for surgery, as well as some instructions for afterwards. This means that you already know basic things, such as needing someone to drive you home from surgery or what to do if you develop a fever post-procedure. But it's also good to know some practical tips for the days leading up to surgery, as well as some handy hints for your recovery time.
You're likely a combination of nervous and excited for your upcoming breast implants, but there are certainly some things you can do to keep you busy.
- Walk around your home with your elbows at your hips, arms extended forward. That's about as high as you will be able to reach post-surgery for several days. Make sure that everything you may need is stored no higher than that. This will include:
- Plates, cups, utensils and food items
- medicines
- toothbrush, toothpaste and hairbrush
- Ready your recovery center. Whether you are going to recover on your couch or in your bed, you need to have it ready to go. You should have:
- Your doctor's contact information and after hours contact information
- phone and phone charger
- TV remote with fresh batteries
- bottled water and straws
- books/magazines
- light snacks
- trash can/bucket in case of vomiting
- clean sheets
- extra pillows
- You're going to have to do some shopping. Make sure to pick up:
- anacks, such as crackers, gelatin or pretzels
- new shampoo and conditioner bottles so you don't have to squeeze hard when you shower
- your medication, if your doctor will let you pick it up before surgery
- a pill box will come in handy to help you and the person taking care of you keep track of your medication dosages.
- Household chores are hard to do while you are recovering. It's a good idea to make sure you've:
- arranged for child care and pet care
- prepared some easy meals that can fixed easily for you and your family
- tidied your home, especially your recovery space
- paid your bills
- filled your car's gas tank
Once you are home and on the mend, there are a few things you can do to make the recovery process easier.
- Personal hygiene
- Ask a friend to put your hair in a pony tail or braid if it is long. Remember that you can't do it alone. You won't be able to lift your arms to style your hair, but having it pulled back will help keep it from getting terribly tangled.
- Have baby wipes available to help clean your skin until you've been cleared to shower
- Do not submerge your incisions in tub water, even once you've been given the green light to shower. Know that allowing the shower water to beat down on your chest can loosen muscles and help ease some of the pain.
- Exercise
- Your doctor will have outlined for you when you can begin to resume your normal exercise routine, but doing little things a few days post surgery can be good for you. A short walk around your neighborhood offers fresh air and a chance to get those muscles to relax and ease some discomfort
- Don't push it. You just had surgery. Be sure to get lots of rest and not over do it. Now is a great time to catch up on TV shows, movies and books you've been meaning to read. Be careful of hilarious comedies, though. Laughing can cause pain.
- Document
- It's hard to see changes when you are looking at yourself every day. Take pictures, front and side views. It will be easier to see your progress this way.
- Keep a journal. Write your observations, how you feel and any questions you may have. This will help you keep track of your recovery as well as serve has a handy reference when you speak with your doctor.
Although breast augmentation is a cosmetic and elective surgery, the preparation and recovery processes are as important as they are for any other surgery. With forethought and careful behavior, you can help make getting breast implants a smooth procedure.