Common Hemorrhoid Non-Surgical Treatment Options [And How They Work]
Posted on: 21 June 2021
It is estimated that 1 in 20 Americans have hemorrhoids. Apart from physical pain, hemorrhoids also cause immense emotional distress. People with this condition mainly experience feelings of shame and isolation. Most victims suffer in silence since they don't have the courage to speak out about the problem. However, hemorrhoids are treatable. Apart from surgical procedures, you should also ask your doctor about available hemorrhoid non-surgical treatments.
What Are the Symptoms of Hemorrhoids?
Symptoms of hemorrhoids depend on whether they are internal or external. For external hemorrhoids, the main symptoms include:
- Anal itching
- Pain and discomfort
- Swelling around the anus
- Bleeding
On the other hand, internal hemorrhoids have the following symptoms:
- Protruding hemorrhoids that are highly painful
- Painless bleeding during bowel movement
Hemorrhoid Non-Surgical Treatment Options
Although hemorrhoids are extremely painful, they can be easily treated. Generally, the condition gets worse over time. So, you should seek immediate treatment as soon as you experience any of the above symptoms.
You don't need surgery unless the hemorrhoids are too large to be treated through other remedies. In less severe cases, pain, inflammation, and swelling can be relieved through home remedies, such as:
- Eating high-fiber foods, mainly whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. These foods help in softening the stool, significantly reducing strains associated with constipation. Remember that even a slight strain when passing stool can cause severe bleeding.
- Use of oral pain relievers, such as ibuprofen and aspirin. Although these drugs don't eliminate hemorrhoids, they significantly relieve discomfort and pain.
- Use of topical treatments, such as Anustat.
- Regularly soaking your anal area in warm or salty water for about 15 minutes.
For internal hemorrhoids, some home remedies may not work. So, the doctor may recommend pills and ointments.
For mild cases, a doctor may recommend medication to make the stool loose. Over-the-counter ointments, creams, and suppositories are also be prescribed to relieve itching and pain temporarily.
For painful hemorrhoids, the doctor may recommend minimally invasive procedures that can be done in an outpatient setting without anesthesia. These include:
- Injection- This procedure, popularly known as sclerotherapy, involves injecting a chemical solution into the hemorrhoid mass to shrink it.
- Rubber Band Litigation- A rubber band is placed at the base of the hemorrhoid for one week to cut it off.
- Coagulation- During this procedure, heat or infrared light is used to harden the hemorrhoids.
If you have hemorrhoids, it hurts to stand or sit down. The condition gets worse when using the bathroom. The itching, pain, and anal irritation can be unbearable, and you need to ask your doctor about hemorrhoid non-surgical treatment.