Dealing With The Loss Of A Limb: Information That Will Help You Help Your Child

Posted on: 26 August 2015

If your child has lost a limb and will require a prosthesis, you may not be prepared for the emotional upheaval they may experience. It can be difficult to suddenly find yourself without a vital part of your body. You should expect your child to go through a grieving process as they adapt to life without their limb. You may not know how to help your child. Here is some information that will help you understand what your child is going through.

They May Blame You

If your child has lost their limb due to an illness or accident, and you had to make the final decision regarding amputation, they may blame you for their loss. While it may cause you some emotional pain, it's important for you to understand that this is a normal part of the grieving process.

Your child may also blame you when physical therapy gets too hard or when you expect too much out of them. Don't let up. You may feel guilty and want to lighten up on them, but it's important that you continue to push them, especially when it comes to physical activity. Lack of physical activity can cause the muscles to deteriorate, which will make it difficult for your child to use their prosthesis properly.

They May Refuse Their Prosthesis

Kids don't always want to wear their prosthesis. They may feel self-conscious about it, or it might be uncomfortable. Regardless of their reasoning, there will be times when they refuse to wear it. Wearing a prosthetic limb takes some getting used to.

Be patient but be sure to find out why they refuse to wear it. You may find out that it hurts or it doesn't fit properly. If your child complains of pain or discomfort, discuss the issue with their doctor. The prosthesis may need to be adjusted.

They May Feel Isolated

Older kids — especially teenagers — may feel isolated when they first begin wearing a new prosthesis. They may not want to socialize until they realize that they still have friends. Try to encourage your child to go out with friends. Encourage group activities. This will help your child overcome their insecurities about their new prosthesis.

Losing a limb is a devastating event in anyone's life. However, when you're a child, it can be even more difficult. If your child has recently lost a limb, the information provided above will help you provide your child with the support they'll need through this difficult time.
